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Figure 8 | Proteome Science

Figure 8

From: Proteomic analysis of effluents from perfused human heart for transplantation: identification of potential biomarkers for ischemic heart damage

Figure 8

Gene Ontology classification generated by Software Tool for Researching Annotations of Proteins. Pie charts showing the classification of the identified proteins according to their biological functions, cellular component and molecular function. A. The biological functions of the identified proteins were diverse. However, a large percentage of them are related to the heart function during ischemia and reperfusion: ATP regeneration, metabolism (in particular glycolysis), oxidative stress response and protective proteins. 33% of the identified proteins were involved in the metabolic process for carbohydrate (22%) and alcohol (11%), 28% were involved in stress process and 9% were respectively involved in regulation of apoptosis and acute inflammatory response (Figure 7A). B. Of the 196 unique proteins identified in these experiments, only 31% were plasma proteins. The remainders were from the cellular organelles (28%) as well as a variety of other cellular components(41%). C. The molecular functions of the identified proteins were diverse, but a large percentage could be related to enzyme regulation (10%), signal transduction (7%), transporter (6%), cytoskeletal activity (5%).

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