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Figure 6 | Proteome Science

Figure 6

From: Nuclear proteome response to cell wall removal in rice (Oryza sativa)

Figure 6

Enriched GO biological processes of differentially expressed nuclear proteins. Figure displays the significantly enriched biological processes revealed by GO annotation analysis for differentially expressed proteins. The top line in each box is the GO identifier of the term and statistical significance (multiple hypothesis corrected p-value, lower is more significant) of that annotation. The middle line in each box is a description of the GO term. The four numbers on the bottom line are the number of nuclear proteins that had this annotation, the number of nuclear proteins that had any annotation (192), the total number of proteins that had the annotation, and the total number of proteins that had any annotation (24460). The color of the box indicates the significance of the term as indicated by the legend on the bottom left corner. White boxes are not significant.

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