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Table 1 Summary of semantic similarity methods in four categories.

From: M-Finder: Uncovering functionally associated proteins from interactome data integrated with GO annotations






Path-length between two GO terms


Depth to SCA divided by average depth to two GO terms




The number of common ancestors of two GO terms


Common ancestors divided by union of ancestor sets of two GO terms




IC of SCA of two GO terms


IC of SCA divided by average IC of two GO terms


Sum of differences of ICs between SCA and two GO terms


Average IC of all disjunctive common ancestors of two GO terms


Combination of Resnik's and Lin's methods


Combination of Resnik's and Jiang's methods




Combination of common ancestor terms and their depth


Combination of simUI and ICs of ancestor terms


Combination of depth to two GO terms and ICs of ancestor terms


Combination of Resnik's method and a clustering technique


Combination of Resnik's method and path-length between two GO terms

  1. We group the existing semantic similarity methods and two proposed measures (simICND and simICNP) into four broad categories according to the components used in GO. SCA denotes the most specific common ancestor term of two GO terms that have the annotation of two proteins of interest, respectively. IC denotes the information content of a GO term.