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Figure 1 | Proteome Science

Figure 1

From: Age-related subproteomic analysis of mouse liver and kidney peroxisomes

Figure 1

Scheme of the protein purification process in A and immunoblot analysis of the peroxisome-enriched fractions in B and C. The enrichment of specific organelle proteins was followed by loading the same amount of protein (20 μg each) of total homogenate (lane A), light mitochondrial fraction (laneD) and highly purified peroxisomal fraction (lane P) onto a 12.5% T polyacrylamide gel. In B section, the immunoblot of CAT were more intensively stained in the fraction P than A and in C section, MDH immunoreaction is found mainly in fraction D. CAT, catalase; MDH, malate dehygrogenase.

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