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Figure 6 | Proteome Science

Figure 6

From: The rat striatum responds to nigro-striatal degeneration via the increased expression of proteins associated with growth and regeneration of neuronal circuitry

Figure 6

Guanine deaminase (GDA) is increased in the striatum at 7 and 14 days post-lesioning. Guanine deaminase (GDA) immunoreactivity in coronal sections through the striatum of (A, E, and I) unlesioned, (B, F, and J) 3 day, (C, G, and K) 7 day, and (D, H, and L) 14 day post-lesioned animals. High power, confocal images of the (top row) dorsal, (middle row) medial, and (bottom row) ventral portions of the striatum were taken to both see the fine staining by GDA immunoreactive fibers, and document the protein’s expression throughout the striatum. Though fiber bundles (“striations”) of the striatum were highly reactive for GDA in control and lesioned brains (arrows in E), there was only low levels of reactivity within the striatal grey matter of the unlesioned brain. Immunoreactivity for GDA in the brain 3 days post-lesioning(B, F, and J) suggests some change in the protein’s expression in the grey matter, however, an increase in GDA immunoreactivity was not notable until 7 days post 6-OHDA lesioning (C, G, and K). At this stage, and at 14 days post-lesioning (D, H, and L), numerous fibers, with long thick processes (suggestive of dendrites) were stained throughout the dorsal, medial, and ventral grey matter of the entire striatum. Scale bars for each figure are shown at the bottom right of each image.

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