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Table 1 Number of detected protein spots on the 2-DE gel images.

From: Optimizing Human Synovial Fluid Preparation for Two-Dimensional Gel Electrophoresis

SF Sample Treatment Method (n = 3)

Number of Protein Spots


456 ± 33

Acetone Precipitation

320 ± 28+#

2-D Clean-Up Kit

413 ± 31

Acetone and 2-D Clean-Up Kit

278 ± 26*

  1. Comparison between acetone precipitation method and untreated SF sample: + = p < 0.05.
  2. Comparison between acetone precipitation method and 2-D Clean-Up Kit: # = p < 0.05.
  3. Comparison between combined acetone/2-D Clean-Up Kit treated SF sample, and untreated
  4. SF sample, and SF sample treated with acetone precipitation method: * = p < 0.05.
  5. Values expressed as mean ± standard error of means (SEM).