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Table 2 Effect of atmospheric ammonia on the serum biochemical parameters of broilers

From: Proteome changes in the small intestinal mucosa of broilers (Gallus gallus) induced by high concentrations of atmospheric ammonia





CK (U/L)c

6224.50 ± 172.26b

7173.63 ± 309.05a

T-SOD (U/mL)d

77.81 ± 6.55a

61.12 ± 2.11b

  1. a, bValues within a column not sharing a common superscript letter indicate significant difference at P < 0.05. Numbers are means ± S.D. (n = 6).
  2. cCK = creatine kinase.
  3. dT-SOD = total superoxide dismutase.